Blogging on Issues of International and European Security

The 10 Best Articles on International Security Concerns this week

Each week we provide a collection of 10 must reads from around the web on issues pertaining to international security. Simply click the article title to open a new tab.

This week’s top 10 (in alphabetical order) are:

Eurodrones: Too Politically Loaded a Venture for Europe?


The downing of the Malaysian Airlines flight in eastern Ukraine has highlighted how unmanned aircraft systems could help Europe when it comes to surveillance operations in warzones. Nonetheless, the EU has still to define its position regarding the use of both civil and military drones.

First Gaza, Then the West Bank by Danny Danon

Foreign Policy

As the latest events show, Israel can no longer let the Palestinian Authority be responsible for security in Judea and Samaria. However, any form of cooperation between the two governmental entities seems unlikely.

The Future of Transatlantic Relations: An Improved Common Security and Defense Policy for a Better Partnership by Raluca Csernatoni

German Marshall Fund

The future of the transatlantic relationship has been repeatedly called into question in the past years, and much of its evolution depends on the EU member states’ capability of reshaping their defence and foreign policies and of aiming at common goals.

How Hamas Won by Ariel Ilan Roth

Foreign Affairs

War, as Clausewitz famously taught, is the continuation of politics by other means. Wars are fought to realign politics in a way that benefits the victor and is detrimental to the loser. But the Israelis appear to have lost sight of this distinction.

Is Cantonment the Key to Success in Mali’s Negotiations?

Institute for Security Studies

Peace talks between the government of Mali and northern rebel groups started last week. If they are to succeed, the focus should be on effectively initiating the ‘cantonment’ of armed groups, a military process that involves removing them from the conflict zone.

Is Liberal Democracy Compatible with Islam? by Raluca Csernatoni

ISIS Europe

The 21st century introduced the possibility of a fourth wave of democratization extended to the regions in the world that have been most resistant to democratic transformation. But will the Arab Spring’s effects cause that chance to become reality?

Jordan’s Quiet Emergency by Alice Su

The Atlantic 

How much longer can the kingdom of Jordan support a million refugees?

Libya’s Islamists Go for Broke by Mohamed Eljarh

Foreign Policy

On July 21st, the results of the country’s parliamentary elections amounted to a devastating defeat for the Islamists. The announcement comes at a critical moment, as rival militias are continuing their fight over control of the international airport in Tripoli. The battle for the airport and the issuing of the election results are intimately linked.

UN at “Heart of the Dysfunction” in Humanitarian Aid, New Report Finds by Marie O’Reilly

Global Observatory

The humanitarian system is failing people in places affected by conflict, and the UN would be one of its major problems.

War Comes to Ukraine  by Alexander J. Motyl

Foreign Affairs

The consequences of the crash in Donetsk could be catastrophic for Putin’s Russia and alter the current balance of the Eastern Ukrainian conflict.


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This entry was posted on 23/07/2014 by in Reviews.

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